Mental Fitness

Stop being a beggar. Follow these 2 steps to achieve your emotional freedom!

Imagine you are giving 1 rupee to a beggar every day. Will you expect that 1 rupee back from the beggar at any point in your life? Even if you are experiencing a financial crisis, will you go and find that beggar to get all your 1 rupees back? Not at all, right?

Are you a person who is begging for love, respect, care, and freedom from others because you always think that you are giving all of these to others and expecting others to return them?

However, reality often turns out to be the opposite, which causes problems in any relationship in our lives. Here is a simple solution! Stop being a beggar.

If you’re seeking emotional freedom in your life, it’s crucial to change your mindset from constantly expecting things from others to being more generous and giving.

Think of yourself as someone with an O+ blood type, which can be given to anyone in need. Instead of always waiting for others to give you something, focus on giving it to them without expecting anything in return. This shift in attitude will bring you a sense of pride and happiness because you’ll know that you’re making a positive difference in the world around you.

In life, those who are truly wealthy and fulfilled are often the ones who are generous and giving, sharing what they have with others.

On the other hand, those who only take and consume without giving back tend to feel lacking and unfulfilled.

This principle applies not only to material wealth but also to relationships. By prioritizing giving over taking, you’ll cultivate stronger and more meaningful connections with others, leading to greater happiness and fulfillment in your life.

And the fact is that when you focus on what you are giving instead of what others give in return, you will see a massive change in all circumstances of your life.

Just take a moment to observe our world. Every day, the sun faithfully provides light to the earth without expecting anything in return. It doesn’t complain or think, “I’ve been shining for so long, maybe I should stop.” Instead, it continues to shower us with abundance.

Think about the trees and plants that surround us. Do they ever stop producing oxygen because they feel like they haven’t received enough in return? No, they continue to give generously without hesitation.

Consider the vast sea. Even if we were to take 100 buckets of water from it, the sea would remain unaffected by our actions. It’s an endless source of abundance.

Everyday giving in the form of love, appreciation, and respect without expecting anything in return is a beautiful feeling.

Follow these 2 steps to achieve your emotional freedom!

  1. Define your real purpose
  2. Practice Abundance

Define your real purpose

Have you ever noticed that some people seem to know exactly what they want in life and are filled with passion, while others feel lost and confused?

The meaning of life isn’t just about living longer; it’s about not dying when we are living.

When you have a clear vision for your life, challenges in health, wealth, and relationships become opportunities to fuel your journey toward freedom.

If you cannot believe it, just search around, open your eyes, and find the people who really did it with much less resources than you currently have!

To understand your purpose or meaning in life, consider answering these questions:

a. What activities do you love to do in your free time that make you happy and energized?

b. If you could help others with three things, what would they be?

c. If the person you love most in the world asked you what you needed to do to be truly happy, how would you respond?

d. What knowledge or wisdom do you feel compelled to share with the world?

e. When you died, what would you want people to say about how you lived your life?

f. What were your childhood dreams for your future?

g. If you only had five years left to live, what would you do starting today?

If you answer these questions sincerely, you will come to know what you are really looking for in your life!

Practice Abundance

Practicing abundance is one of the best brain activities for experiencing emotional freedom. Practicing abundance means seeing and appreciating all the good things around you.

Think about nature—there’s plenty of sunlight, trees, water, and air for everyone. Even though these things are everywhere, they never run out.

As humans, we are part of this abundance, but sometimes our egos blind us to it. Begin by recognizing the abundance of everything around you: your health, body, relationships, money, food, water, and oxygen.

Focus on experiencing abundant love in all your relationships, whether it’s with your parents, siblings, partners, children, or pets.

Practicing abundance and gratitude every day helps to tune your brain, which helps you see solutions instead of problems in every area of your life and thus enhance positive emotions.

Also, think about the things you already have in life in terms of abundance every day, like a place to live, food to eat, and money for what you need. Realize there’s plenty to go around.

Make it a practice to observe abundance today. When you wake up in the morning, tell your brain, “Today, I behold the abundance that surrounds me in every area.”

When you start to see abundance instead of scarcity continuously, you start to see a great difference in your emotions towards yourself as well as others.

You will not wait to get it from others; instead, you will start to feel it around and within yourself.

If you are looking for a system to create and find your emotional freedom, you will get step-by-step guidance from this book (Just Restart) (Paperback)

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Post Tags :
handle stress, improve mentally, improve relationships, mental fitness daily, mental health, stress, wellness
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