Mental Fitness

The best simple practice to rewire your brain

Are you present in the moment, or is your mind wandering somewhere amidst a multitude of thoughts? If you are feeling sad or stuck in your life, it indicates that 90% of your thoughts are related to worries and negativity. I have discovered the best simple practice to rewire your brain. This practice, over the years, has elevated me to another level and changed my entire thought process from a negative to a positive aspect of life.

Most of the time, our thoughts are consumed by what’s missing in our lives and how to attain those things. We may find ourselves either complaining about something or someone or pondering and worrying about the future and what it holds. Let me tell you something—it’s not your fault. Our brains are wired to pay heightened attention to negative stimuli—a phenomenon known as negative bias.

This stems from our ancestors, who lived in forests, facing challenges like forest fires and animal attacks, constantly seeking ways to survive. Even as we’ve transitioned from the forest to concrete jungles, that ancestral brain inside us still craves negative attention. However, now it manifests in concerns about hatred, grudges, complaints, gossip, and the like. It’s high time to rewire our brains. The question is, how? Is it genuinely possible to rewire our brains? The simple answer is yes!

That’s where we, as humans, have delved into neuroscience and discovered that our brains possess a remarkable ability known as neuroplasticity. The essence of neuroplasticity lies in the concept that the brain is not a fixed entity but a malleable organ capable of growth and transformation. Through intentional practices, learning, and experiences, we have the power to influence the structure and function of our brains.

How do you rewire your brain?

To transition from a negative bias to a positive mindset, our brains require training. The most effective and easily implementable daily practice to rewire your brain is GRATITUDE

By consistently incorporating the practice of gratitude into your daily routine, a positive feedback loop within your brain will be created. This not only fosters a more positive perspective but also provides a solid foundation for pursuing and achieving your goals. When you approach life with a grateful heart, you are more likely to attract positive experiences and opportunities.

How to practice in daily Life?

Feel What You Do:

Let’s consider the example of eating food. How do you typically consume your meals? By looking at your phone or the TV? Have you ever observed how other animals focus on their food while eating? Unlike many animals, humans mostly eat without awareness of what, how, and how much they are consuming.

Try the following:

a) First, stop complaining about your meal; recognize that there are so many people around us who struggle to obtain basic food to survive.

b) Look at your plate and acknowledge the collective effort behind it—farmers, workers, processing units, transportation, even the efforts of animals, preparation by people in the kitchen, and finally, your plate. Feel thankful for the energy derived from their combined sacrifices, which is helping you survive today.

c) Create distance from distractions like phones and TVs. Take a moment to appreciate the food and express thanks to everyone involved.

d) This practice of gratitude also aligns with mindfulness practice, which helps you to calm your mind and focuses on your actions, observations, sensations, and thoughts.

Consciously appreciating tasks brings positivity into focus. This is just an example of food. Start practicing everything that you see, touch, hear, and feel in your daily activities—pause and appreciate the impact of simple things around you. I promise you that there is going to be a great shift in your brain. Studies show that people who practice gratitude, which is like saying thank you for the awesome stuff around them, feel more happy and peaceful in their daily lives.

2. Journal:

Every day, set aside just 2 minutes for your gratitude time! Find a quiet place, maybe with your favorite blanket or near your favorite window. Now, think about all the good things in your life—the things that make you happy and grateful. It could be as simple as taking a deep breath, feeling your heartbeat, or having a body that helps you run and play. Think about your parents, who love and take care of you; your friends, who make you laugh; and even the challenging moments that teach you important lessons.

Write anything you are grateful for, like food, water, phone, internet, money, home, environment, sun, moon, nature, life, mentors, and teachers. Imagine if those things were not in your life! Recognize that everything you’ve encountered since day one on Earth is a blessing. Even challenging situations contain blessings upon analysis. Do this for the next 30 days, and see the miracle!

See Abundance:

I heard this word from my mentor, which opened my eyes. The concept of abundance can reshape your perspective. Just observe the richness around you.

Look at the trees and witness the abundance of leaves.

Examine the soil; it reveals an abundance of earth.

Gaze at the sea, noting the abundance of water.

Direct your attention to the sun, recognizing the abundance of light.

Integrate this practice by acknowledging abundance in various aspects. When I start to practice abundance, I see abundance in:

Vehicles, vegetables, and myriad items in a supermarket symbolize abundance. Opportunities, relationships, and even challenges represent an abundance in life.

Comment below what abundance you observe around you right now—start the practice today to feel abundance around you! It’s a journey toward appreciating different facets of your life.

These practices not only help you rewire your brain but also assist in relieving stress, anxiety, and overthinking. Start practicing them today. Commit to doing it for the next 30 days, and observe the positive difference in your life. A special thanks to all my mentors and coaches who introduced me to this transformative practice that has significantly shifted my life over the last 3 years.

Additionally, I recommend some life-changing books to aid you in practicing gratitude, including “Magic” by Rhonda Byrne and “Just Restart” by Akhila Sivan.

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Post Tags :
brain health, gratitude, improve mentally, mental fitness daily, mental health, mindfullness, practice to rewire your brain, rewire brain, stress
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