Master over Procrastination

This is the line that turned my life…

A few years ago, I was trapped in the relentless whirlwind of my life. I genuinely believed I was the busiest person in the world. My days were crammed with work schedules, endless tasks, and a futile attempt to balance my health and relationships. Each day felt like a struggle, and I was perpetually exhausted, filled with complaints and excuses about everything and everyone around me.

I was a prisoner of my mindset, believing there simply wasn’t enough time to live a fulfilling life.

Then, one day, I met a person from the US, a coach named Carl, who helps people live their lives to the fullest. He seemed at peace, despite his demanding schedule.

When we talked a little deeper, I was stunned to learn that Carl was not only a coach but also the owner of two companies and the dad of two young children. He juggled his business ventures, personal coaching, and family responsibilities with an ease that left me astounded.

For a few moments, I was speechless. Here was a man in front of me with more on his plate than I could imagine, yet he radiated a calm confidence that I desperately lacked. How could he manage to do it all?

It was a question that gnawed at me, so I asked him, “How do you manage your time? How do you balance everything?”

Carl smiled and shared a story that changed my life. Years ago, before he became the successful entrepreneur and coach he is today, Carl was an employee struggling to prioritize his health, relationships, and personal passions. He was always busy, always tired, and always stressed.

One particularly hectic day, Carl was preparing for an important client meeting. His turning point came on a crucial day at work when he received an urgent call from his wife, her voice trembling with fear.

Their daughter had been in a terrible accident. Without a second thought, Carl dropped everything and raced to the hospital. Those next 48 hours were a blur of worry and prayers as they waited for their little girl to regain consciousness. By some miracle, she did.

After this ordeal, Carl asked me, “Which was more important, my most significant clients or my daughter?” I replied, “Of course, your daughter.” Then he posed another question, “If it had been my neighbor, a cousin, or any other distant relative, would I have taken the day off?” I had to admit that he wouldn’t have.

He continued, “In our day-to-day lives, we often have so many things on our plates and fail to prioritize many important things, which eventually causes chaos in our future.”

Carl explained that the key to managing our time isn’t about fitting more into our day; it’s about understanding our priorities. Ask yourself, ‘ What truly matters to me?’

He continued Whenever you catch yourself saying, ‘I don’t have time,’ replace it with, ‘I don’t have the priority.’

This shift forces you to confront what you truly value. If you say, ‘I don’t have the priority to exercise,’ it feels different. It makes you question why your health isn’t a priority. If you say, ‘I don’t have the priority to spend time with my family,’ it hits you differently.”

His words struck a chord deep within me. For months, I practiced this new way of talking to myself.

Whenever I felt overwhelmed or pressed for time, I asked myself what my true priorities were and ‘I don’t have priority to do ‘ so and so’.

Slowly but surely, my life began to change. I started prioritizing my health, making time for exercise, and preparing healthy meals.

I carved out moments for my family, ensuring that I was present for them. I began pursuing personal passions that I had long neglected.

It wasn’t that I suddenly had more hours in the day; it was that I was using my time differently. I was no longer a slave to my schedule.

I was in control, making conscious choices about what truly mattered to me.

The transformation was profound, and I felt a sense of fulfillment and peace that I had never known before.

There will be times when I don’t feel like doing anything for a few days, and during those times, I remind myself that it’s okay to take leave for this many days and set a date to restart my activities so that I never feel guilty about pausing.

Change the way you talk to yourself, and you will see the difference in your life.

Our time on this earth is limited, but how we choose to spend it defines our lives. After Carl’s advice, I always think twice before I say I don’t have ‘ time’ now!

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For a detailed guide on how to maintain your mental tool, check out my recent blogs and my book, Just Restart.

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Post Tags :
improve relationships, mental fitness daily, Procrastination, wellness
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