Health and Wellness

Is wellness or illness expensive? We think wellness is expensive and time-consuming, but the fact is that illness is expensive!

We are all busy every day with our work and priorities. The last thing we care about is our bodies, and the worst thing we care about is our minds! Isn’t it?  We will go to the doctor only when we get an illness. If you are not physically fit, mentally strong, emotionally fit, or spiritually good, we will fall down 1 day for sure. Prevention is always better than cure. According to you, is wellness or illness expensive? We think wellness is expensive and time-consuming, but the fact is that illness is expensive!

Is wellness or illness expensive?

What happens if you don’t give your body a proper diet, exercise, and sleep? You’ll pay the price, won’t you? We’re ready to invest in things like iPhones on EMIs, luxury cars and houses with loans, Netflix subscriptions, and branded clothes and accessories.

But when it comes to things like organic food, going to the gym, or taking care of our mental health, we hesitate or think 1000 times about buying them, even though they’re not as expensive as the above stuff. Some people just even neglect this, saying that these are not for common people, and most of the common people think that mental health is a luxury reserved for only highly privileged people.

If you are the person who believes illness is not expensive, you can neglect this article because it is for those who want to take care of their brains and for those who believe illness is expensive.

Imagine that if some wounds or marks appear on your face or hands, you take great care to heal them. It’s because these are visible to us physically. But what about your most powerful organ, your brain? Have you ever seen your own imagined brain? Did you know what was happening inside it? Since it’s not visible, most people neglect it. And most people believe that they lack the time or money to prioritize its care.

Statistics show that 77% of people in our country are going through stress, depression, and mental health issues regularly, starting at the age of 14. Almost 60 to 70 million people in India face common and severe mental health issues. It’s worrying to learn that India has the highest number of suicides worldwide, with over 2.6 lakh cases reported each year. According to the World Health Organization, the average suicide rate in India is 10.9 per 100,000 people.

There is a condition called psychosomatic in which, due to regular stress in the body, which can be due to work pressure or personal conflict, regular physiological responses will be created in our body and can manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach pain, muscle tension, fatigue, type 2 diabetes, gastro issues, and even the reason for cancer.

How do you define your wellness?

Understanding yourself—your emotions, feelings, and thoughts in your mind—is your wellness or mental health. These emotions and thoughts led to actions—whatever you are doing every day—that turn to your life and its destiny!

We come up with excuses like not having enough time, even though we spend hours on social media or watching movies. And we say we don’t have enough money, but we’re okay with spending it on things we don’t need.

Or we demand these things we need for free; if given free, we don’t even care or value them. There are so many things in our lives that are precious, but we never see or value them.

Comment below about what you feel is more precious in your life than money that you think you already possess!

Let me ask you this: If someone you really love is in the hospital, would you say you’re too busy to visit them? Would you hesitate to pay for a surgery that could save their life, even if it costs lakhs of dollars?  Then why are you neglecting the one who is taking care of you and working for you 24×7—the ultimate you?

Ask yourself today! Do you want to really spend your precious money due to a lack of care for yourself at the hospital? Do you really want to spend your limited life time in the beds of hospitals and in the world of medicine?

I have learned a great lesson from my life experience: illness is the most expensive. So I always invest in my wellness today!

Why does wellness matter more nowadays?

Especially since 2007, mental health issues have been going up because, from that time on, we are more distracted and our focus has diminished. Because in 2007, Apple introduced touch screens, particularly with the launch of the iPhone, our relationship with technology has undergone a significant shift.

While technology has revolutionized our lives with numerous advantages, our human brains cannot adapt as quickly.

Unlike technology, which evolves rapidly, the human brain operates at a much slower pace when it comes to adaptation and evolution.

Our brains have evolved over millions of years to deal with specific types of stimuli and challenges, mostly those found in natural environments.

While our cognitive abilities have certainly grown with technology, like better problem-solving skills and access to lots of information, our basic neurological structures haven’t changed much.

Because of this, our brains might find it hard to cope with all the things modern technology asks of us. This can make us feel overwhelmed, have trouble focusing, and feel more stressed.

Even though our brains can change and adapt a lot, it will probably take a long time, maybe even generations, for us to fully get used to all the complexities of modern technology.

We often catch ourselves frequently checking notifications, scrolling through social media feeds, and craving validation through likes and comments.

Studies indicate that constant engagement with digital devices has resulted in a decrease in our ability to concentrate, heightened feelings of loneliness and inadequacy, and increased levels of stress and anxiety.

Why invest in wellness?

I heard this funny but thought-provoking question recently: Have you ever heard of a lion attempting suicide due to depression because it didn’t get the deer as prey for the day? Have you ever heard something like a lion say, ‘I am done with my life’ or ‘I cannot go further’?

Consider any animal. If they encounter attacks or challenges for survival, do they wait for their spouses, friends, or relatives to come and help? Do they complain to someone about their life troubles or successes? No, they take responsibility for their own lives.

So you will think that we are humans, not animals, right?

Yes, animals have fewer choices in how they live; they must follow certain paths for survival. But we humans are blessed with a powerful organ called the brain, which has more amazing features than animals for making the right decisions and choices in our lives to live the way we want.

Even though animals have fewer choices, they can still live happily and take responsibility for their own lives. So, can’t we do even more?

Don’t you want to make the right choice and design the life that you want? If the answer is yes, then why are we currently falling short?

Understand this: Your physical or mental health is your own responsibility. If you develop conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, high cholesterol, cancer, or any other ailment, it’s not because of your mother, wife, children, or anyone else.

You have the choice of how you want to handle it. You have the power to choose what you want to give to yourself.

If you have no time, create time for yourself; if you have no money, create it. You have already created and prioritized so many things that may not be necessary.

And realize the fact that no one in this world is born to create all these things for you or make you happy. So, who are you really complaining about?

At one point in my life, I realized that I was facing poor mental health, which was the underlying cause of all my problems, including illnesses, health issues, relationship stress, career challenges, and financial difficulties.

Wellness is not about changing the current situation, but training ourselves to respond to it and take action in the right way!

However, as I began to explore myself with the guidance of my mentors, I noticed a gradual transformation in every aspect of my life. I am grateful to myself for investing both money and time in this journey, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my mentors who have helped elevate my life.

As you work on improving your mental health, you’ll witness a transition from Version 1 to Version 2 of yourself.

3 steps to achieve your wellness over illness.

Below are the methods that I personally follow, guided by my mentors, to improve my mental health and overcome challenges in my life. You can adapt and modify them according to your convenience.

If you are experiencing serious health issues or mental health disorders, always seek proper guidance from therapists instead of relying on YouTube videos, books, or blogs.

For individuals experiencing daily stress due to an overload of thoughts, work pressure, or negative thinking, if you feel overwhelmed or burned out, you can follow the methods below to overcome and improve your mental health.

Step 1: DIET

This is the first step that I prioritize when I realize how diet influences my mind and daily activities. If you want to challenge or experience for yourself how it influences your mind, don’t eat food for a day and see.

You will be out of your mind. When we stop eating food, our brain or mind will definitely stop supporting us, right?

Whatever we eat every day is absorbed by our body, and based on that, our cells are regenerated. In short, you are what you eat.

If people get stressed, some may feel gastric discomfort, while others may feel the urge to go to the toilet or eat more food. Stress is directly linked to your stomach. When stress occurs, it affects your entire body, from your brain to your toes.

According to research, switching from junk food to a healthy diet can help reduce stress.

Unfortunately, many people today prioritize taste buds over nutritional value when it comes to food choices. It’s essential to recognize that every morsel we consume has a direct influence on the thoughts and processes occurring in our brain.

Thus, the choice lies with us: Do we need to treat our stomachs like wastebins, filling them with empty calories and harmful substances? Or do we need to nourish our brains with the right diet, which has direct control over our mental health?

I strongly suggest you read the international best-selling book Ikigai, a Japanese secret to living a longer , more fulfilling life.

Step 2: Wellness exercises

Just like we exercise our bodies for physical health, it’s crucial to exercise our brains for mental well-being. Successful people often follow a popular routine called “SAVERS” during the first hour of their morning. “SAVERS” stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading, and Scribing.

This routine is inspired by the international bestseller “The 5 AM Club” (Book link) and is aimed at enhancing productivity, mental clarity, and overall well-being by incorporating various practices to nourish the mind and spirit at the beginning of each day.

S – SILENCE: Just take 5 to 10 minutes a day to meditate. You can meditate by just closing your eyes, keeping a smile and observing your thoughts, or just observing your breathing or practicing any mindful activities.

If you are a person who loves to do it in detail, this is the meditation that I started to practice first which made a huge difference in my life. The link is here:[Cosmic Energy meditation]

A – Affirmation: Our brain receives two types of inputs: information and affirmation. Whatever we absorb from the outside world is information, while whatever we tell ourselves or our self-talk is affirmation, in simple terms.

Take a moment to reflect on what you’re murmuring to yourself. Your daily affirmations become your beliefs, thoughts, and actions in life.

A simple affirmation that I recite every morning to train my brain is: “I now release everything holding me back from receiving more love and abundance. I am open, worthy, and loved. Thank you for another beautiful morning in my life.”

If you seek customized affirmations for yourself, please follow the guidelines from this book, which offers a step-by-step process to create your affirmations (Just Restart).

V-Visualization: Do you know what the language of the brain is? It’s images. If you read this article, book, or any motivational videos or speeches, you may not remember them. But you remember the story of movies that you saw even 10 years ago, correct?

The brain has the ability as well as the problem; whatever you are thinking, it may be reality or not. The brain processes it as images and takes it as real only. Maybe some incident happened years ago, but if we rethink it right now, tears may roll out of our eyes because it feels like it’s happening right now.

So whatever you are thinking every day, good or bad, it’s processing as images now and then.

So I follow this visualization method to train my brain. Whatever the current challenge that you are facing now, see the opposite scenario happening right now. And see it in detail as much as possible for about 5 minutes every day. This practice influences our thoughts, actions, and responses to every situation in our lives.

E – Exercise: Humans are inherently designed for movement, not prolonged sitting. If we neglect exercise today, we’ll inevitably pay for it tomorrow. At that time, whatever priorities we set now won’t be there for us or alleviate our discomfort.

It’s not mandatory to go to the gym or attend yoga classes; simply put on some music and dance. If you have kids, dance with them, or take a leisurely walk. Any form of movement is beneficial. Exercise not only benefits the body but also reduces stress hormones. Dancing or exercising triggers the release of happy hormones, which can help alleviate anxiety and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Personally, when I feel overwhelmed, I play my favorite song and dance for 20 minutes—it instantly lifts my mood. If I’m short on time for exercise, I rely on a 15-minute full-body workout called Radio Taiso, originating from Japan, which gained popularity after the release of the book “Ikigai.” You can give it a try too.

Link provided below: [Radio Taiso workout].

R – Reading: Reading books isn’t just about indulging in fantasy novels or stories; it’s about delving into the strategies and ideas of successful individuals in your field of interest or endeavor. Spending at least 15 minutes reading each day can significantly alter the thought patterns in your brain and assist in formulating a vision and mission for your life.

Start by clearly envisioning what you want to achieve, then seek out books written by those who have accomplished similar goals.

By doing so, you’ll gain valuable insights and strategies for success, paving the way for your achievements.

S – Scribbling: Scribbling or journaling is one of my favorite exercises to do every morning because how you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Writing down goals every day takes hardly 5 minutes, and creating a to-do list provides a sense of control for the day. This helps the brain to have a clear picture of priorities, leading to less stress throughout the day.

While starting to write may feel overwhelming, once you begin, it becomes a magical practice. Those who love to draw pictures can even draw small pictures depicting how they envision their goals or their day.

An interesting fact is that most of the things we scribble there tend to happen on that day as we design. You’ll discover what’s on your mind as you fill the pages.

Step 3 : Sleep

Do you know the importance of aligning your sleep schedule with your body’s natural rhythm?

After sunset, your brain releases melatonin, a chemical that signals your body to slow down and prepare for rest. By 8 PM, melatonin levels peak, indicating it’s time to relax. After 8 PM, this becomes peek, and if you are not sleeping, we are working against your body.

Nowadays, people go and eat Al-Fam, roti, chicken, and energy drinks after 8 p.m. Whom are you destroying? Yourself. It affects the functions of your brain, liver function, kidney, stomach, and gastric functioning and will become a disorder.

When melatonin comes, we are forced to go to sleep. As the sun rises, melatonin secretion stops, and your body naturally wakes up. However, most people sleep very deeply at that time because they slept the previous night at 1 or 2 am after watching a phone or TV. From 5 AM on, our bodies become active, but at that time, we become weak.

Aim to hit the hay between 10 and 10.30 PM and rise between 5 and 5.45 AM. This simple adjustment can work wonders for your mental and physical health. Additionally, consider incorporating the above mental exercises into your morning routine to start your day on a positive note and reduce stress levels. By prioritizing quality sleep and establishing healthy habits, you’ll set yourself up for happier, more lovely days ahead.

If you are looking for detailed, step-by-step guidance, you can read this book, which will act as a guide for you: “Just Restart

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handle stress, improve mentally, improve relationships, mental fitness daily, mental health, Procrastination, stress, wellness
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