
That one phone call: This is when the Game starts to change…

One morning, I woke up with a familiar sense of purposelessness. Uncertain about the day ahead, I groggily opened my laptop to start my work routine, despite still feeling the lingering effects of yesterday’s fever!

Just as I began, I received a call; a familiar voice broke through the morning haze — it was my former flatmate, a dear friend who felt like family. 

She reached out urgently for help! She confided that she wasn’t feeling well and had been hospitalized. Urgently, she asked, ‘Could you come here?’ Despite my own lingering illness, I resolved to visit and provide whatever help I could. With determination, I made my way to the hospital, where she awaited my arrival.

When I reached the hospital, she lay alone in her room, accompanied only by a colleague who hastily handed me her belongings before rushing off for urgent banking duties. Standing there, unsure of my next move, I approached her bedside. 

What I saw shocked me deeply — she was in a pitiful state, unable to even swallow water, beset by vomiting and the effects of a severe illness that had ravaged her kidneys and urinary tract. Her condition was dire, and I felt a surge of urgency to help her despite the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

She handed me her belongings, and soon after, the doctor arrived, inquiring about the bystander. She pointed to me, and the doctor proceeded to show me numerous medical reports filled with complex terms and conditions beyond my engineering expertise. Despite my lack of medical understanding, it was clear she needed immediate surgery to survive.

She turned to me, expressing her helplessness in making decisions. With her elderly parents living far away and no close friends nearby, she faced this critical choice alone. After weighing her options, she bravely decided to proceed with the surgery. It was a daunting moment for me, never having faced such a responsibility before. Yet, I signed every necessary document, uncertain of what the outcome would be.

I found myself caught in a whirlwind of activity throughout the day, racing from one task to another. As evening descended, they wheeled her into the operating theater, leaving me outside in the growing darkness, accompanied only by the persistent buzz of mosquitoes. It was my first time confronting such a situation, filled with uncertainty about what was unfolding behind those closed doors.

Hours passed agonizingly slowly—7 o’clock, 8 o’clock, 9 o’clock, and beyond. I stood there, consumed by thoughts of what might be happening inside. Finally, around 11 p.m., she emerged from the theater, now in the recovery room. When she regained consciousness, tears streamed down her face. Initially, I thought they were tears of pain, but she spoke with profound gratitude, calling me an angel sent by God. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she expressed how lost she would have been without my support that day. Overwhelmed with emotion, she continued to cry tears of gratitude and relief.

After that pivotal moment, I began to feel a profound happiness, realizing that I had made a significant impact without expecting anything in return. Seeing her eyes fill with tears of gratitude brought me immense joy. Her family, despite not being physically present, relied on me for updates and shared their heartfelt thanks.

Inspired by this experience, I decided to assist her in improving both her physical and mental health. After her recovery, we started sessions using techniques I had learned from my own coaches while battling my own anxiety and stress. As I shared these tools with her, she became my first student.

Witnessing her transformation was remarkable. She started achieving her health and financial goals, handling Personal and professional challenges with ease. Her success inspired me to embark on a new path as a coach, transitioning from being an engineer to someone dedicated to helping others overcome life’s obstacles.

A Journey of Inspiration

This experience sparked a transformation in me. It was the beginning of my journey from engineer to coach, dedicated to helping others overcome life’s challenges. 

After investing three years to deepen my knowledge in these areas, today I proudly wear the hat of a certified lifestyle neuro-coach. The daily thanks and deep gratitude from my students propel me forward in my coaching journey. 

Now, as the founder of MindFitGym, I take pride in every life I’ve touched and every transformation I’ve facilitated.

Life teaches me this lesson. When you encounter any problem or difficulty, be happy because there are hidden opportunities for growth. If we can find those opportunities they can lead you to discover your true strength and purpose. Through my own struggles, I found a calling to inspire and support others on their journey to resilience and fulfillment.

This story is proof that from moments of pain and risk, great purpose can emerge. I am thankful for all my challenges and problems because they are the game-changers in my life…

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For a detailed guide on how to maintain your mental tool, check out my recent blogs and my book, Just Restart.

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handle stress, improve mentally, improve relationships, mental fitness daily, wellness
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