Journaling Blog

The Power of Journaling. The why and  wonders of journaling. Best 6 practical ways of journaling

When the word “journal” is mentioned, many individuals associate it with something for dedicated writers or that daily writing is a mundane task. Others might feel that it’s not meant for them but for different types of people. However, the reality is that journaling doesn’t discriminate between the rich and poor, young and old, or men and women. In Mason Currey’s book, “Daily Rituals: How Artists Work,” available on Amazon, he explores the daily habits of 150 successful figures, including artists, philosophers, composers, and writers. A common practice highlighted in the book is that each of them writes every day. Looking back through history, it’s evident that numerous successful individuals have maintained the habit of journaling daily.

Allow me to explain why adopting this practice should be incorporated into our daily lives! Let’s dive into the power of journaling.

What is the power of journal writing?

Humans are emotional beings, constantly dealing with a rollercoaster of feelings and thoughts. Stress, overwhelm, and frustration are common byproducts of our modern, fast-paced lives. Sometimes, the sheer volume of tasks can make us feel like a pressure cooker, ready to burst. Here comes the powerful remedy: writing down your thoughts and unloading the mental RAM. The act of putting your feelings into words can help release the stress hormones in your body. This practice is a form of mindfulness. When you write, you dedicate your focus to the act, attaching your emotions to the words on paper or the keys on a keyboard.

Why is journaling so powerful?

Psychologists emphasize the power of journaling to diminish stress and depression because, intriguingly, our brain often fails to differentiate between imagination and reality. Studies have shown that a mere 10 minutes of daily journaling can significantly reduce anxiety, helping to achieve a stream of consciousness. When we pour our thoughts onto paper, our brain’s “default mode network,” involved in introspection and self-referential thinking, becomes active. This allows for deeper self-awareness, enabling us to recognize patterns in our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. When we write in a journal, it makes our brains and hands work together. When we pick words and make sentences, a part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex lights up. It helps us make choices and use language, making our thinking better.

When we think deeply about our feelings and write them down, another part of our brain, the emotional center, gets involved. Writing about our emotions helps to calm a part of the brain called the amygdala, which usually reacts to stress. It’s like taking a break from stress when we write about how we feel. Moreover, I feel it helps to improve our mood, behavior, and control over our emotions, and to have great clarity about our lives!

What is the main benefit of journaling?

Journaling is akin to talking with a dear friend. You can name your journal as you are calling your friend and confide in it, sharing even the thoughts you might not want to disclose to the world. It’s a safe space where you can express anything and everything, unfiltered. The freedom to scribble, sketch, or pour out your heart onto the pages can relieve an incredible amount of tension from your body. Some people, like artists, will simply draw quick images instead of writing; the way that you want to put them on paper completely depends on each individual. You can write in any language that you wish and in any form.

The act of writing serves as a form of therapy, a cathartic release that provides a sense of clarity and perspective. Whether it’s the expression of gratitude, detailing aspirations, or navigating through challenges, journaling offers a safe space for exploration and reflection.

“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, and my courage is reborn.” Anne Frank, Author, “The Diary of a Young Girl”

“Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” Jennifer Williamson, Author

“I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read on the train.” Oscar Wilde, Author and Playwright

How do I start journaling?

Before I became an author (‘Just Restart), I wasn’t even a reader. I didn’t feel inclined to read anything unless I stumbled upon celebrity news or, frankly, some trivial content. My journey as an author began after I started journaling. Initially, I had no idea how to journal. However, as I cultivated this habit, I observed a transformation in my mindset and witnessed significant improvements in my life. There are countless types and methods for journaling, if you search for them. Here, I’ll share the practical approaches I’ve personally followed that have proven effective for me. Feel free to choose any method that resonates with you.

Let’s dive into the Power of Journaling with Practical Approaches

1. The Power of a Wake-Up Journal:

Upon waking up, it’s a common tendency for people to reach for their mobile phones, often leading to unintended scrolling that eats up valuable time. I used to be guilty of this habit as well. However, I’ve adopted a different approach. Before going to bed, I now keep my phone away and place my journal and pen within easy reach. When I wake up, I jot down the thoughts lingering in my mind. There’s no set way to do this; it’s simply about capturing the initial morning thoughts, considering what’s on your mind and what you’re observing, hearing, and feeling. This practice is a kind of meditation. It helps me visualize my future with clarity.

2. The Power of Gratitude Journal:

Our usual inclination as humans is to dwell on complaints, flaws, and the scarcity of resources , time, etc. However, when we consciously embrace gratitude for what we already possess—a new day seen as a blessing, a healthy body considered a gift, being grateful for necessities like food, water, air, and having a home—we shift our attention to the aspects of our lives that are blessings. This change in perspective fosters a sense of joy within us and initiates a transformation in our emotional state. The Power of Journaling down these blessings serves as a tool to redirect our focus toward the positive elements in our lives.

3. The Power of Daily Schedule Journal:

At times, we find ourselves overwhelmed with numerous tasks that need completion within a day. Whether it’s completing a project, organizing a wedding, or preparing for an event, the multitude of tasks can feel daunting. However, when we take the time to write down these tasks, our day gains clarity, enabling us to act more decisively. This simple act allows us to visualize the day ahead, making things flow more swiftly and seamlessly. The beauty of this Journaling lies in its flexibility—you can choose to do it in the morning, at night, or at any moment that suits your day. The Power of journaling daily schedule will create immense change in our inner shift.

4. The Power of Appreciation Journal:

At times when a motivational boost becomes necessary, I’ve developed a ritual of self-appreciation through journaling. This specific practice is a biweekly or monthly dedication where I reflect on and document my achievements, regardless of their scale, over the past days or weeks. It’s like crafting a heartfelt letter to myself, cherishing these accomplishments. The impact of this habit runs deep—it’s a confidence-building exercise. Recognizing and honoring these smaller victories serves as the fuel that ignites inspiration within me, propelling me forward. Each of these achievements becomes a significant stepping stone, urging me to set my sights higher. It’s not just about acknowledging successes but also taking a moment to truly appreciate the journey and the progress I’ve made. This power of self-appreciation journal serves as an inner wellspring of strength and encouragement, fostering the drive to reach for even greater success in my pursuits.

5. The Power of Scrap Journal:

There are times when we, as humans, experience stress, sadness, anger, or anxiety, yet we might not feel comfortable sharing these emotions with anyone. This hesitation can lead to challenges in various aspects of our lives, affecting relationships, careers, and personal well-being. In such moments, I’ve found solace by envisioning my journal as a confidant—a secret friend to whom I can pour out my unfiltered thoughts and emotions. At the beginning, I’m never certain how long I’ll spend writing; sometimes, it’s just an hour, but the act of expressing myself alleviates an incredible weight from my mind. This scrap journal serves as a safe space where I write anything that crosses my mind. It’s a valuable tool that aids in recognizing triggers, understanding behavior patterns, and gaining control over my emotions. Writing down these thoughts not only helps in release but also in self-reflection and emotional regulation.

6. The Power of Goal-setting journal:

To experience profound happiness, it’s important to have a clear goal. I often hear people say, “I’m content with my life as it is—I’m around people I love, I have enough money, and I’m okay health-wise even if I’m not very active, and I’m satisfied with my job.” But there’s a hidden truth in this—these things are temporary, and at any moment, there’s a chance of losing them in relationships, health, career, or financially. However, having a clear long-term or short-term goal gives you the strength to overcome these challenges and stand strong. Those who don’t find their purpose, passion, or lack clear goals often end up feeling anxious or depressed. Here comes the Power of journaling your future! Therefore, jot down what you want to achieve in the next 90 days, the coming year, or the following five years. This will serve as an internal driving force to stand, work, and improve yourself every day!

I don’t follow all these journals every day or for the long term; sometimes, I don’t feel like writing. So, what I do is ensure that I plan my week and set some action steps to follow during the week. I check these frequently to ensure I’m on track. At least 3 to 4 days a week, I engage in any of the journals mentioned above. This is a practice I’ve been following for a long time. You can choose any method that works for you. There’s no specific time for journaling; it can be done at any time during the day. However, I’ve found the most effective times to be either in the morning or before bed. From my personal experience, I can assure you that this routine of journaling can work wonders in your life, helping you discover your true self and live a more purposeful life!

So, pick up that pen, take note, open a fresh page, and liberate your mind through the power of journaling.

Additionally, consider becoming a part of my community and exploring my book, ‘Just Restart,’ for deeper insights and strategies.

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benefits of journaling, healing powers of journaling, improve mentally, mental fitness daily, power of journal writing, steps to achieve work-life balance, what happens in our brain during journaling
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